Written on Feb 9, 2017
Where there’s a Will…there is Something to be learnt.
Divorce sucks!! I want everyone to be as happily married as I am. When a marriage does end, I struggle with the hurt that can be inflicted towards someone you once loved. How does love turn to hate? Why do we let someone who has hurt us guide our thoughts and decisions? When do we finally realise that divorce is NOT the end? Is there a timeframe to adhere to, to know when to move on from thinking you're boring, unlovable and not enough?
Everyone is different and sometimes all it takes is a reminder to love yourself and don't settle for less than what you deserve.
Teach Me Something introduces us to Catherine. Two years after her divorce and Cath is only now starting to see the light through the trees. Cath realises that if she wants to find happiness and have her dreams of a family, she needs to move on. While work has filled the gap for awhile, she realises that she’s lonely. Her first step is to get some advice on returning to the meat market…I mean dating again.
In a move that’s a wee bit unconventional, Catherine goes undercover as Kat and joins a sex club. Now, as Kat, she’s not necessarily looking to find sex at the club. Kat is looking for some advice and help in regaining her confidence. Hiring a consultant (non-sexual and masked to hide identities) she steps out of her comfort zone and bears her deepest desires.
Turns out she’s just exposed her sexual desires to a man she’s known for years.
Will is an Aussie and he’s extremely HOT!! He’s living in New York working as a model and raising as much money as he can. This is not money he spends on himself as most of it is sent home to his family in Australia. Will is also finishing off a degree and working a second job to pay the bills. This second job may seem risqué but is not as it seems. Imagine his surprise when one of his "clients"…is a friend of a friend.
When the masks are lowered and Will and Cath are face to face they end up learning from each other. Lists are made for the pros and cons of having a relationship. Prejudices towards Will’s age needs to be overcome as Cath battles with the 7 year age gap. Will comes to realise that asking for help, getting advice and accepting a hand out from friends is not a sign of weakness. The biggest one is Cath realising that her ex is as much to blame for their failed relationship.
I really enjoyed Teach Me Something. Will and Cath were lovable, slightly flawed and perfect for each other. This is a very sexy read with plenty of action in and out of the bedroom that made it easy to see their connection.
We met some additional characters but one of them was definitely my favourite. Cath’s mum is an absolute CRACK UP!! She reads smutty romance (that Cath’s dad openly admits to benefiting from), ogles Will and makes sure he knows that every event invitation is shirt optional…just for Will. My least favourite character was Cath’s douchewaffle ex. Luckily, by the end, we get a slice of hope that he might have finally pulled his head out.
Again, I have finished a story by Aubrey Bondurant where I’m tempted to complain that the story is too long. The thing is, though, I could not tell you which word or words to take out as they are all relevant and necessary to the story. It's just longer than what I'm used to.
Teach Me Something was great and left me with a smile on my face. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -