Written on Apr 21, 2020
Retired NHL star, Jaxson, has returned to him hometown, which is also the home to his ex-girlfriend and his daughter. He made a LOT of mistakes in the past, but now, he's older, he has his life in order, and he's ready to be a husband and a father. I loved seeing Jaxson fight for Lucy. I found it especially delightful, when he took those trips down memory lane with her. I believed that Jaxson had changed, and I was keeping my fingers crossed that Lucy recognized it as well.
This book was just my speed. Both the hero and the heroine were likable, and I liked them together. They had great chemistry, and were actually really good communicators. Since this was the second time around for them, they had this understanding of each other, and I thought the co-parenting added an additional layer to their relationship in a positive way. This was not an insta-reunion, and Lucy was right to make Jaxson work for it, but it was easy to see she wanted it too. They shared some tough moments on the road back to each other, but also some beautiful and tender ones too.
It was also a treat meeting the seemingly endless members fo the Lund family as well. I liked their dynamic, and also, their enthusiasm for Jaxson and Lucy's reunion.
This is my first book by James, but I am already gearing up to read the next book in this series. I peeked at the synopsis, and I am pretty excited about it. I predicted it would be Nolan and Gabi, because I could feel the sparks between those two. Can't wait to see that relationship take off.