Written on Feb 16, 2021
At first, I was a little bit hesitant about Shielded. It has nothing to do with the book per se but rather it's because I read so many novels just like it recently. Princess? Discovers some of her magical abilities? Kingdoms at war? Fighting? Conspiracies?
Does that sound familiar to you?
However, I quickly took a liking to the concept of magic Flanders presents here. Especially the heroine's journey on her own (that goes on for quite a bit) was rather interesting! The world Flanders created certainly keeps you on your toes. Just about anything could happen and things are afoot here...
So, after some initial difficulties, I quite liked the novel. Honestly, the only complaint I have (and it's one I mentioned about 795 times before) is that I could have done without the love story. No spoilers (so no details!) but why can't there be just one damn book without one? Seriously, there are so many more important things going on in the story, I really couldn't care less about some romance arc. Use those words for more world-building, give me more history, give me more info about the magic system!
That being said, I enjoyed just about everything else! The fight-scenes are well-written and thrilling. The magic system is intriguing and Flanders gives us just enough info to understand what's going on but keeps us longing for more. I really hope that in the next book we'll learn a lot more on that front.
I do have a question or two in the logic department, but those are just little things, so I'm prepared to overlook it. There are no major plot or logic holes, so we're good.