Romance Schmomance
Written on Mar 25, 2014
Ryan is becoming quite the celebrity with his writing and movie deal in the works. Being in the public, skeletons are bound to be cleaned out of that closet of his. And the long distance they have, while Kate is in St. Lucia teaching children, it's just another element being added to their already crazy situation. Can love conquer all?
Not only did Ryan and Kate's relationship have stress, it started to cause a strain to between and her best friend Carter (who loves and cares for her deeply). AND, he gets a whole book to himself!
All I really have to say is that Ryan had A LOT of bad things going for him and it was a bit hard for me to feel bad for him because well he kind of asked for it. Granted he was trying to stay away from all of that and keep his past in the past, but when shady people are involved .... the world is just against you man!
It was a HEA for Reservation! I just wanted slap sense into the both of them, they drove me absolutely crazy!