Written on May 10, 2018
The book was very fast pace which I loved, as it was actioned packed, betrayals (oooh) and there was never a dull moment, as we travel with Strafe and his new companions to save this new world. But not forgetting he is also trying to find his father and brother, save Yessa and Gain and get back to his mother. I loved the idea that the world Strafe is from, our world, war does not exist. That it is illegal to start a war, and then he is transported into a world where all there is battle and war, this is a huge adjustment for Strafe.
The chapters are a different character's point of view, where we are introduced to them and their drive in the mission at hand. They have all suffered a loss of some sort which all motivates them in the war ahead. They all have an endearing personality, think Rousseau might be favourite due to his jovial nature and his own journey. I must admit I loved it when we were in Rousseau city with the pirates as they were speaking like proper pirates!
What I loved when I was reading this book is how it really did feel like it could be a Final Fantasy game (and I love those games)! I spent most of the book picturing the characters from the games in my head. In my head, I had Strafe as Tidus from FFX. Yessa reminded me of Yuna from FFX but I kept changing my mind. Professor Sighter reminded me of Auron from FFX. Gain, just to mix it up, reminded me of Sephiroth from FFVII. Roya was a tough one to call, and Zon and Rousseau well I am still working that one out but I have an idea who they could be.
It was interesting to learn the basis of the story which is basically a light vs dark, with the Guardian vs Nian. Again, a great premise for Final Fantasy. The imagery in the book felt like I could be playing a game (Square Enix where are you make it already!!) and some of surroundings and towns the Guardians visited sounded breathtaking. Just looking at the book cover gave that away!
I have also found out there is another book in this series (thank god) so I will be off to check that one out!
To see more reviews, please check out my blog www.zooloobookblog.co.uk