Written on May 26, 2017
The story revolves around 4 kids, a ghost, a secret society and an alternate world. Gabe, Kaz, Lily and Brett are planning to have one more adventure before Gabe has to move again. His Uncle Steve is trying to keep him secretly safe and needs to move but Brett throws everything all over the place when he steals a map and sets a chain of events into action that could cost them all their lives.
It needed more world and characters build, the only person that got the most build was Brett and Gabe, I wasn't a fan of Brett at all not even a little. The Ghost kid was equally annoying. The POV also changed a lot and I don't think I liked that very much, it made it a little confusing. I think I would have preferred just reading in Gabes POV but I understand you need to read in Bretts also but I just didn't like him. I wanted to like the book more but I just felt like it was a lot more explaining then telling a story.
Overall maybe it would be better for younger kids but it wasn't what I was expecting and I think the lack of character build and me not liking them all really caused me to not enjoy this book like I would have wanted. I don't ever say don't read a book because you never know, you might totally like it better than me! :)
2.5 stars on my blog/ 3 on goodreads
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Have a great day and Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life