Written on Jul 27, 2022
I have this thing about Dukes...haha, and I already knew Tessa Dare well.
This wasn't my favourite Tessa Dare book, but it was still a good book.
It pulled at my heartstrings often and I highly enjoyed it, but it never quite reached its apex like some of her other books.
“There are thirty-three ranks of precedence between a serving girl and a duchess,” she said quietly. “Did you know that? The chart takes up three pages in Mrs. Worthington’s Wisdom. I have it all in my head."
Tessa Dare. Any Duchess Will Do (Kindle Locations 3754-3756). Avon. Kindle Edition.
It's a book with good humour and teary moments, but I guess I didn't quite connect with this particular book as well as I do with some of her other books. :)