Written on Mar 17, 2020
Great "Starship Troopers" vibes, both the grit and blood of fighting scenes and killing, as well as thinking over the philosophy of it all, pondering freedom and free-will, government and power. It's all new however and it's more; the tone, the idea, the premises of this story which just keeps building upon itself towards the purely brilliant ending...
I did not expect any of it.
Enjoyed every word of it.
Made me ask myself the type of questions that give simple people like myself headaches, and it was darn good headaches, let me tell you... It's so plausible and smartly created it made me afraid, we might be heading towards such a world in our not so distant future. Would I want to live in it? Would I be able to survive? I don't know... But this book? Yeah, you need to pick this up, this is a story to be heard.