Metaphorosis Reviews
Written on Sep 25, 2012
Equally difficult is the central plot concept of this book - that the Resistance, caught in a client state between two competing empires, buy an island and plan to move thousands of people to live there in freedom and harmony. It's just not a realistic idea, especially when we learn that the new island is a tenth the size of the existing client state. It's not close to credible that the evil empires would a) not notice, and b) leave the new land alone.
The plot in this middle book does move along rapidly, and most characters remain likeable. There are more than a few too many easy coincidences, and some facile gap fillers that don't really work.
I had planned to give this book three stars for readability, and explain that it was really 2.5 stars. But on writing this and thinking back, I have to go the other way, and give it two stars, but explain that it was somewhat better than that score implies.
I'll still be moving on to the third and last book, [b:The Diamond Isle|1037548|The Diamond Isle (Dreamtime, #3)|Stan Nicholls|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1180414613s/1037548.jpg|1043491], and I have hopes for a satisfying finale, but it's likely not going to be quite as grand as I had hoped, and I find it a bit hard to recommend the series on what I've seen so far.