Bella and Rhys used to be as thick as thieves until Bella, who had a crush on Rhys, found him with another woman. From then on, they never spoke until many years later when Rhys seeks Bella's help.
Bella [...] glanced over her shoulder at the man she should have slapped five years ago.
I greatly enjoyed getting a glimpse of these two being young and carefree, and having that specific scene when the encounter happens told through flashback, rather than from memory. It definitely felt more powerful and brought all the feels for Bella.
I appreciated so much Rhys owning up to what he did and putting his feelings on the table right from the start. He knew it was the only way for Bella to forgive him and move on from the past. Once that happened, I just loved their little banter, and the course of them going on a "detective adventure".
"I'd be more than happy to exchange favors, Bella." His smile was wicked, unlike any he'd ever offered her before. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me."
I was slightly surprised by the fake-engagement, but at the same time, I loved it! I'm such a sucker for this trope. When Bella proposed the idea, my heart got so giddy! I respected Rhys so much when he gave his answer to Bella. Rhys is just so perfect. *dreamy sigh* I especially loved all the conversations these two characters had. I will always prefer dialogue because it truly shows the reader that the characters are connecting, at least in my eyes.
Overall, Nothing Compares to the Duke is so lovely, enticing and marvelous! I'll be reading more books by this author!