Written on Jun 5, 2012
This book was great, and would have been 4.5 stars if the ending had been different... The trip into faerie was exciting, filled with scary creatures, Dana's doubt about who she could trust as well as some really great fighting scenes.
Dana was getting smarter in her dealings with the fae as well, so when she had to make some bargains, she really thought about what it would mean to her - for the rest of her life - before she agreed or disagreed to anything.
The final resolution was just too easy! Both what happened with the Erkling, and what happened after everything was over. It felt a little bit like a cop-out! Too bad, because I really, really enjoyed this series.
I am sure other people will simply be happy there was a happy ending, though, and I am too, however, I wish it hadn't been so 'easy' in the end.