It is not, however, my fav. in the series - but it is no less a masterpiece. This is book #7 and though all the books in this series are stand-alone - I highly recommend starting on book 1 and going forward. Why? Because the brilliance of this Author, we meed a LOT of people in this series - some have small cameos others have bigger ones, some's circumstances change (get married, die, move etc) and if you don't read the books in order - you might get confused. :)
I must admit that the book threw me for a little bit of a loop in the end! It was surprising! And caught me totally off guard! hehehe
This book is easy to read - it flows very well, I found myself laughing, "awww" ing and the romance is wonderful.
This book has a HEA and is a 5* from me - I thoroughly enjoyed it, I also happen to think the Duke of Montgomery is entertaining (he has his own book later in the series! [b:Duke of Sin|27073530|Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane, #10)|Elizabeth Hoyt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1464745760l/27073530._SY75_.jpg|46829059]), I now picture Asa Makepeace (has his own book later on in the series! [b:Sweetest Scoundrel|25309274|Sweetest Scoundrel (Maiden Lane, #9)|Elizabeth Hoyt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1433904993l/25309274._SY75_.jpg|40728160]) as some large furry bear type of man...haha
Captain Travellian is surprising in this book (and his book is the next one! [b:Dearest Rogue|23560810|Dearest Rogue (Maiden Lane, #8)|Elizabeth Hoyt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1423259637l/23560810._SY75_.jpg|40728147]).
All in all I loved it. Perfect for when you need a smile and some fluff with a little bit of action! :)