Written on Apr 13, 2015
Johnson delivered an incredible story that forced DJ to think fast on her feet. While I would have been a little more hesitant, DJ tends to follow her gut and react first. Thankfully, she has good friends and allies to help her pull of some of these crazy stunts. I love how overall arc threads and new threads begin to weave together as each novel progresses. While things are certainly not resolved, Johnson keeps things tight and the reader on track. This book has a lot of set-up as Johnson moves us towards a battle. I love the setting, and after my recent visit to NOLA, I appreciated the mention of the hotel, buildings, streets and the college. I felt like I was walking the streets with DJ and Jean Lafitte.
The overall series has a romance and while it is kept in the background, it does create interest and this time we feel the impact it has on DJ both personally and in her position as the Sentinel of New Orleans. I was worried but pleased with the overall development in Pirate’s Alley. I am curious to see what lies ahead for Alex and DJ. Pirate’s Alley wasn’t as action intense as its predecessor but the pacing and character development more than made up for it. We get to know a certain FAE and spend time with the council. We are introduced to new characters and become closer to favorites.
Copy provided by author. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer