A fever ravages New London, but with the Brotherhood sending suspected witches straight to the gallows, the Sisters are powerless against the disease. They can’t help without revealing their powers—as Cate learns when a potent display of magic turns her into the most wanted witch in all of New England.
To make matters worse, Cate has been erased from the memory of her beloved Finn. While she’s torn between protecting him from further attacks and encouraging him to fall for her all over again, she’s certain she can never forgive Maura’s betrayal. And now that Tess’s visions have taken a deadly turn, the prophecy that one Cahill sister will murder another looms ever closer to its fulfillment.
- ISBN10 0399257470
- ISBN13 9780399257476
- Publish Date 14 August 2014
- Publish Status Remaindered
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Putnam Publishing Group
- Format Hardcover
- Pages 360
- Language English

Written on Oct 12, 2014

Written on Aug 26, 2014
Fans of the Cahill Witch Chronicles will be pleased with the final journey Sisters' Fate takes them on.
Copy received from publisher. Full review can be found at Caffeinated.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Written on Jan 1, 2014
I'm going to start with Finn, because he's what I was most nervous and excited for in Sisters' Fate. I couldn't think of any resolution short of a miracle to fix what happened, but there is no magical solution. But things also aren't as dire as they seem, which is good! Finn is smart and realizes that something is going on, but obviously he doesn't know what. Cate doesn't want any lies between them, and things just kind of go from there. As much as I wanted things to be all sunshine and rainbows, I was glad how things played out. It was more believable that way. There are some bumps along the way, but I'm happy with out it turned out for them.
I continued to love to hate Maura. She is just so terrible and desperate! I felt really bad for her in Sisters' Fate, but I was firmly on Cate's side. Nothing will ever excuse what she did, but I liked how in the end both girls made an effort. Even if it was all for Tess rather than for each other. Maura's fate, unfortunately, is one of things that I found entirely too predictable which kept me from absolutely loving this conclusion. I wasn't as affected as I could have been, since I just felt like I was waiting around for it to happen. I was hoping for a twist, but alas, there wasn't one.
Where there were twists was in the plot. I was wondering where the heck Sisters' Fate was going with all of this sickness going around and talk of plague. Well, it's not what I (or any of the characters) thought. I really liked how it connected everything though. It is fairly obvious who is behind things near the end, but the reasoning and the outcome was a bit shocking. It's quite an extreme measure to take, and unfortunately it works...in a way. In a strange way. This alternative history world isn't fixed by any means, despite the battles between the witches, the Brothers, and the general population. There is a feeling of hope at the end though, and that's all we can really ask for.
I've loved this series, and I'm super sad that it's over! My minor complaints aside, I did enjoy this ending and think it was the right one. All of the characters have stayed true to who they are, and there are no out of nowhere twists. That's not to say that the characterization was static, because it's not. Cate, especially, changes a lot, and I was tense while waiting for her to snap (and oh, how she does!). All in all, Sisters' Fate delivers.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.