Beth C.
In some ways, this book is excellent. The overall writing style fits the story, and the descriptions of the places and the battles are fantastic. There is a lot of religion (Judeo-Christian) about 3/4 of the way through this book - so much at that point that it was jarring and felt somewhat out of place. It was woven in better after that, but I honestly started to wonder if I had accidentally picked up a book meant for a religious audience. That in itself would not a bad thing, but it felt somewhat...abrupt...the way it was done.
The characters do seem to suffer somewhat in the story. There were only two characters that I really managed to feel much for, and neither of them were main characters. They contributed quite a bit, but were definitely not focal points. The main characters all seem shallowly drawn, though I have hope that they will be more fleshed out in the next book. I'm hoping it's just a result of so much happening in this book to get things started.
Overall, though, I really did like the story. It's an intriguing story line, and one that could be amazing from here on out. It's somewhat difficult to explain more about that without giving spoilers. Suffice to say that there are secret societies, questions of Gods vs. God, and battles galore. It's quite the intertwining of fantasy and history, and I do look forward to reading the next book. I will probably recommend this to a few friends, but I will also probably look to get the sequel from the library vs. purchasing it to keep.