Ing Cruz
Written on Oct 1, 2013
Kayden has a past filled with drugs, booze, addiction and arrests. He hasn't lead the life of a saint but after a big blow up with a poisonous ex-girlfriend, this gives him a sort of wake up call that forces Kayden to take a look at this life. Sophia is a good girl. She's a librarian, shy and sweet. She's dated some mediocre men and has had mediocre sex and wishes more color in her life. One day she gets a friend request via Facebook from Kayden. Kayden and Sophia grew up in the same town but Kayden was older and ran around with friends of her brother. Kayden happens to see a post from Sophia via Facebook on a mutual friend's page and can't resist wanting to get to know the sweet innocent looking Sophia! What started off with Facebook messages, turns into phone calls and then turns into video chatting and into a consuming love and need for each other that neither Kayden or Sophia expected. With a crazy ex, long distance and Kayden's dark past these two have a lot of Untangling to do.
REAL - That's the first word that popped into my head after finishing the last pages of Untangle Me! These two characters are your average everyday people living their lives. Kayden doesn't have a fancy job and he's not a billionaire. He works in an everyday job and struggles with money and demons from his past. After his ex screwed him big time, Kayden is living the life of the love'em and leave'em. Kayden - oh Kayden how you struggle buddy. The thing that I loved most was his imperfections. Kayden is a hero with demons. Chelle doesn't paint him in rose colored glasses. His character definitely doesn't have his shit together. He goes through things that I don't think I've read in a book ever. We see the ugliness in life that lots of people currently go through in real life. Reading Kayden's struggle and seeing him at some of his low point endeared him to me. His struggle I think got to my heart more than his sexiness. Believe me Kayden is a dominate in the bedroom and gives Sophia the banging of her life but reading his imperfections I think made the bigger impression on me.
Sophia is shy and sweet. She didn't take crap from Kayden. She was fierce when she needed to be and she was his soft landing place when he fell. I loved her determination and her fierce love for Kayden. She stood by her man and supported him through the lows and highs. Sophia was the kind of heroine I'd love to be friends with. She is loyal and definitely has your back when you need it. Watching her support Kayden and stick by him with her encouragement and love made me fall for character. She is definitely the back bone and the strength of this relationship.
Let's get to the sex. OMG...the sex in this book is smoking. There is airport sex, car sex, public sex and just sex galore! Chelle definitely knows how to write her sex scenes. They had me panting right along with Sophia as Kayden gave it to her! I've never been to New Orleans but through Chelle's writing I felt like I was there on Bourbon Street getting drunk and partying right along with the characters.
As much I liked the flawed characters and the sexy melt your panties sex scenes there were some things in this book that kept pulling me out of the story-line at times. The transitions from one scene to the next was at times confusing and abrupt. It wasn't smooth and flawless. It felt like I was reading one scene and the next thing you know it moved to another scene and I had to stop and go back to make sure I didn't skip a page or something. There were things in the first half of the book also that just seemed random. The second half of this book was much stronger than the first half. The story really gelled for me in that second half and I really got sucked into Kayden and Sophia. Overall this was a good read. I really liked the characters Kayden and Sophia. They are imperfectly flawed people who were perfect for each other. I believed in their happiness and I like that Chelle kept them REAL! I'm not sure how I feel about reading a book about Kayden's past but I will definitely be picking it up. I hope Chelle will give us more of a peek into Kayden and Sophia's future. I struggled with what rating to give this book. It actually falls more at a 3.5 Pages Turned. I more than liked it but it wasn't exactly at 4 Pages Turned for me yet.
See review on my blog: http://bit.ly/17asB5S
REAL - That's the first word that popped into my head after finishing the last pages of Untangle Me! These two characters are your average everyday people living their lives. Kayden doesn't have a fancy job and he's not a billionaire. He works in an everyday job and struggles with money and demons from his past. After his ex screwed him big time, Kayden is living the life of the love'em and leave'em. Kayden - oh Kayden how you struggle buddy. The thing that I loved most was his imperfections. Kayden is a hero with demons. Chelle doesn't paint him in rose colored glasses. His character definitely doesn't have his shit together. He goes through things that I don't think I've read in a book ever. We see the ugliness in life that lots of people currently go through in real life. Reading Kayden's struggle and seeing him at some of his low point endeared him to me. His struggle I think got to my heart more than his sexiness. Believe me Kayden is a dominate in the bedroom and gives Sophia the banging of her life but reading his imperfections I think made the bigger impression on me.
Sophia is shy and sweet. She didn't take crap from Kayden. She was fierce when she needed to be and she was his soft landing place when he fell. I loved her determination and her fierce love for Kayden. She stood by her man and supported him through the lows and highs. Sophia was the kind of heroine I'd love to be friends with. She is loyal and definitely has your back when you need it. Watching her support Kayden and stick by him with her encouragement and love made me fall for character. She is definitely the back bone and the strength of this relationship.
Let's get to the sex. OMG...the sex in this book is smoking. There is airport sex, car sex, public sex and just sex galore! Chelle definitely knows how to write her sex scenes. They had me panting right along with Sophia as Kayden gave it to her! I've never been to New Orleans but through Chelle's writing I felt like I was there on Bourbon Street getting drunk and partying right along with the characters.
As much I liked the flawed characters and the sexy melt your panties sex scenes there were some things in this book that kept pulling me out of the story-line at times. The transitions from one scene to the next was at times confusing and abrupt. It wasn't smooth and flawless. It felt like I was reading one scene and the next thing you know it moved to another scene and I had to stop and go back to make sure I didn't skip a page or something. There were things in the first half of the book also that just seemed random. The second half of this book was much stronger than the first half. The story really gelled for me in that second half and I really got sucked into Kayden and Sophia. Overall this was a good read. I really liked the characters Kayden and Sophia. They are imperfectly flawed people who were perfect for each other. I believed in their happiness and I like that Chelle kept them REAL! I'm not sure how I feel about reading a book about Kayden's past but I will definitely be picking it up. I hope Chelle will give us more of a peek into Kayden and Sophia's future. I struggled with what rating to give this book. It actually falls more at a 3.5 Pages Turned. I more than liked it but it wasn't exactly at 4 Pages Turned for me yet.
See review on my blog: http://bit.ly/17asB5S