Written on Aug 16, 2017
Good lord this cover is SMOKIN'. Similar to book ones' cover so my thoughts are basically the same. Excellent representation of the hero. Jonas remains hot y'all. Great composition. Attractive and eye-catching title work. Five lick worthy stars for sure!
Oh, good gravy was this book good. The best of the series so far (IMO). The writing was fantastic. The pace was perfect. The sex scenes were smokin'. It had the perfect blend of romance and action. It had humor. No OW/OM drama. No angst or drama (couple wise). Fantastic secondary characters. I REALLY hope Matthias's book is up next. Two extremely likable main characters. A badass Nonna. All wrapped up in a kick-ass ending.
Not much left to say really. I am loving this series and cannot wait to see what these authors have up their collective sleeves next. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly. P.S. Authors, if you are reading this, I would LOVE to put a request in for IAN to get his own book. Pretty please!! With sugar on top!