Written on Nov 4, 2016
How far is too far?
Fear can be a funny thing. I probably seem a bit silly but I was scared to start Perfect Rage. I'm not a tough reader. I like my hearts and flowers, Prince Charmings and sighing fair maidens. Sometimes, I feel tough and take on a darker type of read. Now, with these type of books I need to prepare myself. And that's why I hesitated to take a peek into Connor and Alina's hell...
Would I find Connor’s story too hard to take? Will the pain Connor and Alina lived through, push me too far? Should I take the risk of reading a book that could end up being too much for me and ruining my love for this series? How far is too far, before my comfort zone is tested beyond…well…my comfort zone?
Well, I did it! I survived! I conquered!!
To be honest, I think I put too much pressure on this story. It didn’t end up being as hard as I thought it would be. All of that putting off and hesitancy was a complete waste. It was bloody great, but I wasn’t shaking and shivering with the pain of loss, humiliation or degradation.
We get glimpses of the pain Alina and Connor suffered, but it was never brutal or cringeworthy. I think if I had seen all of what Connor had done, there would be a chance that I wouldn’t/couldn't love him as much. Besides, Connor hated himself enough for the whole bloody world.
In previous instalments in this series, we have met Connor and Alina. What we have seen previously, is two people who have faced evil and lived to tell the tale. Perfect Rage starts with Connor and Alina meeting for the first time. I think I needed to see them happy, flirty and strong. While they are happy, neither of them have been sheltered from the ugly side of life. Connor is serving his country in Afghanistan and Alina’s trying to escape the attention of a Colombian drug lord. Both Connor and Alina know that meeting and falling for each other is probably a mistake, but sometimes love doesn’t give you a choice.
Connor has one month before he is relocating to JTF2 training. He was going to head home to see his family but changes his mind after meeting Alina. They spend every moment that they can in each others company and fall more in love. Alina is in a war-torn country, yet, because of Connor couldn’t be happier. This time for the two of them is special and soon enough they realise they don’t want it to end when the month is up.
Unfortunately, Alina’s past catches up with her.
The sweetness at the beginning of Perfect Rage gives you a little slice of what both Connor and Alina need to work back towards. We get little snippets of what they have faced and while it’s horrific, it certainly wasn’t as bad as I expected. I found the hardest part was what Alina and Connor have to face now that they are free and safe. It’s not…Yay, I’m out. Let’s have a party. Connor has to look at himself in the mirror knowing that he was forced to do bad things. Alina knows that, because of her, people have died and the man she loved suffered hideously.
How much is too much before you give up on someone?
I asked myself a few times, would I have the patience that Alina showed towards Connor? I questioned whether Connor was worth saving? Even as I read, I felt guilty for thinking it. I think my life has been too easy…or…maybe my love just hasn’t been tested yet. Fingers crossed, I never have to deal with anything close to this story. And, if I do, I can be as strong as Alina was.
Perfect Rage was not an easy story, but it definitely wasn’t as hard as I expected. Nashoda Rose is a very talented author and I have loved each instalment of this series. Her style of writing sucks you into the dark side of life but leaves you hoping that there’s a tough guy who will come save/help you and sweep you onto the back of his trusty motorcycle.
If you read this review, Ms Rose, pretty please with sugar on the top, I’d love to read a story about Vic.
To buy Perfect Rage from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2fnWqfd
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -