Written on Sep 5, 2018
So, I’m continuing my reread of Jenna Black’s Morgan Kingsley series. I still really enjoy this series.
In The Devil’s Due, Morgan is approached by a well-to-do woman who asks Morgan to...Read more
Review originally posted at BooksOfMyHeart.net.
So, I’m continuing my reread of Jenna Black’s Morgan Kingsley series. I still really enjoy this series.
In The Devil’s Due, Morgan is approached by a well-to-do woman who asks Morgan to exorcise her son. This woman is sure her son didn’t agree to be possessed. He was a member of God’s Wrath, which is a demon hate group. They believe in killing the human hosts, along with the demons. Problem is, if Morgan exorcises him, she can be charged with murder of the demon (humans believe that exorcising a demon kills them, when it just sends them back to the demon realm).
We also learn a lot more about what the demons on Earth have been up to. They want more malleable hosts and were using genetics to accomplish this. Lugh, the demon king, is just now learning about all of this. His brother, Raphael, knows about some of it, but not much, or so he says.
Lugh has also determined that he needs to set up a demon council on the Earthly plane, since he is stuck here for the foreseeable future. This makes for finding hosts for a demon that needs to be summoned, which doesn’t sit well with Morgan.
Adam, the demon cop, also continues to be a pain in Morgan’s rear. Dom, former demon host and Adam’s boyfriend, is still as sweet as ever. Brian, Morgan’s human boyfriend, is present a lot too. There’s times I love him and there are times when I want to shake him.
Speaking of shaking, Morgan needs her head pounded into the wall or something. She is a trainwreck. She just can’t seem to keep from pissing everyone off around her.
This continues to be an action packed urban fantasy story. There is the part about of the possessed hate group member which adds a nice mystery to the story, in addition to the overall story arc. I can’t remember how this is all wrapped up, but I have two books left in this series and I can’t wait to get to that point.
So, I’m continuing my reread of Jenna Black’s Morgan Kingsley series. I still really enjoy this series.
In The Devil’s Due, Morgan is approached by a well-to-do woman who asks Morgan to exorcise her son. This woman is sure her son didn’t agree to be possessed. He was a member of God’s Wrath, which is a demon hate group. They believe in killing the human hosts, along with the demons. Problem is, if Morgan exorcises him, she can be charged with murder of the demon (humans believe that exorcising a demon kills them, when it just sends them back to the demon realm).
We also learn a lot more about what the demons on Earth have been up to. They want more malleable hosts and were using genetics to accomplish this. Lugh, the demon king, is just now learning about all of this. His brother, Raphael, knows about some of it, but not much, or so he says.
Lugh has also determined that he needs to set up a demon council on the Earthly plane, since he is stuck here for the foreseeable future. This makes for finding hosts for a demon that needs to be summoned, which doesn’t sit well with Morgan.
Adam, the demon cop, also continues to be a pain in Morgan’s rear. Dom, former demon host and Adam’s boyfriend, is still as sweet as ever. Brian, Morgan’s human boyfriend, is present a lot too. There’s times I love him and there are times when I want to shake him.
Speaking of shaking, Morgan needs her head pounded into the wall or something. She is a trainwreck. She just can’t seem to keep from pissing everyone off around her.
This continues to be an action packed urban fantasy story. There is the part about of the possessed hate group member which adds a nice mystery to the story, in addition to the overall story arc. I can’t remember how this is all wrapped up, but I have two books left in this series and I can’t wait to get to that point.
I’m just not as nice as Brian. I hold grudges and nurse my anger like a well-loved baby. Why a man like him loved someone like me was beyond my comprehension.
“I know you’re not the enemy,” I murmured against his collarbone as he returned my embrace. “And I’m sorry I’m such a bitch. I just… I want my life back, and I know I’m not going to get it, at least not anytime soon.”
“I understand,” he assured me. “And I love you even when you’re being bitchy.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “Good thing, that.”
His lips brushed the top of my head. “Yup.” I laughed again, slapping his chest and taking a step back. “Jerk! You didn’t have to agree with me.”
Raphael visibly bristled. “I thought I’d just passed your test of loyalty. Apparently, I was mistaken.”
“I believe in your loyalty,” Lugh said with a sardonic smile. “Your honesty, however, is still very much in question.”