Written on May 10, 2015
So the last Callaghan brother has found his croie. I have really enjoyed this series and Having Faith was just as good as the rest. Kieran is the youngest of the brother's and runs the gym. At the beginning of the book he is feeling restless and wants to be like his brothers and find his one. Faith is a single mother to a 14 year old boy. She has had it extremely tough bringing up her son. The father denied paternity, her parents disowned her, so pregnant homeless and penniless, she learnt to struggle on her own to provide for her and her son Matthew.
When the couple meet Kieran feels an instant attraction, while Faith finds Kieran appealing, she doesn't think he would ever be interested in someone like her. There were many times throughout this story that the condemnation, shame and pity shown to Faith brought a tear to my eye. Assumptions are made as to why and how a 28 year old woman managed to have a 14 year old son. Was she raped, forced or attacked? To be honest it made me stop and think of the times I have judged similar situations. To read where even the Callaghan women question and judge her made me feel bad. Faith is a strong woman who has learnt to deal with it all. Her driving force is her son's happiness...how can you judge that?
I did feel that the relationship between Kieran and Faith took too long to cement. Faith was a wee bit too stubborn and Kieran a wee bit too patient. We didn't get an intimate scene between the couple till right at the end. Knowing what these boys are capable of...very disappointing. There was one scene where a woman Kieran had previously dated shows up but Kieran is embarrassed by her approach and clearly shuts down her advances. This scene makes Faith have less confidence, which didn't help Kieran's cause.
I loved the dynamics of Faith and Matthew's relationship. He was a very mature boy who loved his Mum and didn't take advantage of or ignore the sacrifices she made for him. We get to see a few of the Callaghan brothers and their wives, but considering this was the last brother, I thought there would be more. No missions were undertaken which was not really surprising to me. None of them want to put themselves in danger, as they have very important loved ones waiting and worrying about them.
Overall, another great installment to the series and I am glad to hear there will be more.
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