Baroness Book Trove
Written on Dec 1, 2018
Bones meets Sherlock Holmes
Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman is the first book I have read by this author. I enjoyed it immensely. I love Sherlock Holmes and his books. This spin of what would happen if Sherlock and John had kids that fell in love with each other is ingenious. This book follows Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson in solving their first case together.
Arabella Holmes
Arabella Holmes is the daughter of Sherlock Holmes and some unknown lady. She is a female version of Sherlock.
Arabella is similar to Dr. Temperance Brennan aka Bones if you watched the show or read those books. So think of a cross between Bones and Sherlock, set in the early 1900s. I think this is a really cool combination. Arabella is a fantastic character, and I can see Sherlock being proud of her as his daughter.
I like that she is the first female to work in science. The only thing I thought hurt her was her independence and stubborn streaks. She should have woke Henry when….oops, you will have to read the book.
Henry Watson
We can’t have a Holmes without a Watson. Henry is John and Mary Watson’s youngest child. However, Henry is not like Special Agent Seely Booth; he is more like Dr. Hodgins in my mind’s eye.
Henry stabilizes Arabella, much like his father did with Sherlock. He helps her be a good person and try to be a functioning human.
What I like about Henry is that he never gives up on Arabella. Another thing I like is that he took the professional track that he wanted instead of following in John’s footsteps, even though John would have preferred that he was a medical doctor. I didn’t like that he didn’t always go after Arabella also, that he didn’t stand up to his father regarding Priscilla.
Five Stars
I am giving Boneseeker by Brynn Chapman a five-star rating because it was entertaining. Also, I am in love with Holmes and Watson the next generation. I highly recommend this book to fans of Sherlock and Bones.
Anyway until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by,
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Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove