Written on Oct 29, 2015
To Dare a Seal is the second book in the Sin City Seals series and I was definitely looking forward to Jack and Natalie’s book after meeting them in the first one. I LOVED Jack, was aptly nicknamed “Prince Charming” by Natalie because he is quite hard to resist! Natalie and Jack have had feelings for each other for quite a while and it gets to a point where they can no longer ignore what they feel for each other. As much as I loved Jack, I struggled with Natalie and I think readers may struggle with her only because she truly does not want to connect with people because she has no faith that people will stick around or that she is worthy. Then thrown in Jack’s profession as a Navy SEAL and there are no guarantees that he will always come home safe and sound. That’s a lot to deal with as a character and I had to be very patient with Natalie.