Cocktails and Books
Written on Mar 12, 2015
*Slight soap box moment*
Nothing irritates me more than when an author writes a female character as a heavy set woman and sucks all of the self-confidence and self-worth out of her. They always write them to have self-doubt and low self-esteem and spend chapters of an otherwise worthy story using it as an excuse to constantly drone on with fat shaming jokes and comments. Is it truly so hard to believe that a "fat" woman can't just be happy with who she is? It is inconceivable to believe that she can live a normal life like anyone else regardless of her size? Sorry for the rant, but it's so infuriating!
Aside from that, the book was okay. It had a lot going on in it, which was at times a little overwhelming, but the core of the story was solid. The author created a lot of scenarios that kept me wanting to read on, and I did enjoy that aspect of the book.
Overall, I think that the author should spend less time making her main character someone I don't want to spend time with, and more time on expanding on this creative world she's built.
Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books