Baroness Book Trove
Written on Oct 19, 2020
What do you think happened in Willow Valley during the holidays?
The Holidays
Ms. Clarke has given us short stories for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, April Fool's Day, the Fourth of July, Halloween, and Christmas. Each one is completely different from the last one in terms of what will happen and who will be the main characters for the short story. I loved each one as I read them as they were really great and the little bit of history that we got with them on when that tradition started in the United States for us. It was a nice history lesson within the stories, along with some romance or child fun in some. Another thing that I love about each story is that they each have a message that I think is great. The first two are about how you appear, or act will determine what others will think of you. In the April Fool's day, the story is all about having fun even if the person you are pranking doesn't know who did it. Then with the Halloween story is all about standing up for what you believe in. Lastly, Christmas is all about helping others that need help.
The history lessons in each one were very cool. I didn't know that All Hallow's Eve happens to be a Celtic tradition of remembering past loved ones that aren't apart of this world but that having a bonfire will help keep bad spirits away. It was cool to learn about this story. Another one is that Christmas is a Dutch and German holiday. The Dutch brought over Santa Claus, and the German's the Christmas Tree.
4 Stars
Holidays in Willow Valley by Linda Weaver Clarke have many historical touches to it that I believe rings true in the times that she was writing them in. I loved everything about it, and I hope that Ms. Clarke will be writing more in Willow Valley as I miss visiting this little town. Ms. Clarke always does a fantastic job with these stories that I am just so eager to pop in to read them. So, I am giving it 4 stars and recommending it to anyone that wants to learn a bit about these holidays within this sweet little town.
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Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove