Written on Jan 7, 2015
I liked Act Like You Love Me. I'm always happy to cheer for the underdog! Brynn may not be that geeky girl she was anymore, but she still loves love stories and comes on too strong, so she hasn't had the best luck with dating. Her brother gives her some advice, and Brynn decides to practice on Sawyer, since he seems to be intrigued by her. Never mind that he thinks she's some spoiled, wanna be actress from LA. I bet you can see where this is going, right? Brynn and Sawyer fall for each other, but soon enough he has to realize who she is, feel betrayed and leave, only to come back after seeing that their feelings for real. Yep, it's that story, but I still enjoyed it.
Act Like You Love Me was fun and quick. I love geek-to-chic tales, even if Brynn was still closer to the geek end of the spectrum and was only pretending to be a Hollywood starlet. I was just waiting for her "I'm not Josie Grossie anymore!" moment. Sadly, there isn't one, but she still gets her man!
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