Written on May 16, 2016
A modern day fairytale with a twist.
***Grumble, grumble***
I liked The Prince and the Player. I really did…but…I was a wee bit frustrated with it too. I hummed and hawed over my rating because I didn’t hate this story but there were a few things that bugged the crapper out of me.
It’s part of the story. I know, I should have guessed that when it has #1 in the title but the blurb says – Brand New Stand-Alone. Ummm, I thought that meant the story had an ending with a couple living out their HEA in their castle creating little Prince and Princesses. One of the couples sort of gets there but it was so rushed and there are 20 billion other things going on at the same time that I couldn’t sit back and enjoy it. The other couple is way, way off from their HEA and I’m not even sure they’re in the same country. Where in the heck is Tortola?
Look, I’m not an orphan, haven’t had to live on the street or felt unsafe…BUT…if someone is bribing you to get you to do something – why would you trust they are doing it for a good purpose? If someone approached me and threatened a family member, there is no way I would trust their story. If I started feeling something for the people I’m supposed to be manipulating, why wouldn’t I move the trust to them? To me, that seems obvious.
I also had to question how these couples could so quickly “get it on”. Yes, I know the guys are royalty, but considering the way one of the heroes talks to the heroine, he calls her a slut the day after they sleep with each other. I think it was supposed to be sexy and funny I’d kick him in the balls and get the hell out of there. Especially considering he’s not the one she’s supposed to be with. Hello…remember, you’re doing this because your family is being threatened. The other couple…not sure I could so quickly “get it on” with someone who has photos plastered all over of him getting a hummer (BJ). On a side note, in my naivety, I didn’t know what they were talking about at first. What’s the big deal with him having a photo taken of him getting a new car? ;).
I’m definitely a romance reader who loves a good fairytale with a Prince to sweep the maiden off her feet, treat her right and give her a better life. I also don’t mind escaping reality and leaving my believability at the door…to a degree. I just felt that it was a little rushed to the starting gate for the couples matching up and getting to their happy place.
Will I read the next in the series in September? Maybe. The hero's have a sweetness in them that comes out when they are around their women and the heroines have a resilience that I couldn't help but admire. Bloody cliffies…suck me in every bloody time.
To pre-order The Player and the Prince from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1V521IV
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -