Written on Aug 6, 2020
But while I enjoyed it - this is a very fkd up story. Both the characters are absolute broken messes. And Ronan is a complete stalker. Obviously not okay in real life. Probably shouldn't be enjoyed in fiction either but I did. It probably helped a bit that he just didn't know how to deal with the emotions Sasha inspired in him. He didn't understand how to tell her he likes her and that he would like to date her. Hell, he spends a lot of time mimicking others to try to fit in and it's kind of heartbreaking.
The back and forth drove me nuts to begin with but the more of Ronan's story we learn, the more I got it. He just didn't know how to process his emotions or what to do with them. I like that he works at it and that as the book progresses he really tries to connect with Sasha and find ways to overcome his own problems. Like talking to Mack and Lachlan about what's bothering him. Like practising with the baby. That was kind of adorable. I loved his friendship with Lachlan and I enjoyed the banter between him and Mack.
Sasha was interesting. She was a lot weaker than Mack - she wasn't brave and tough and willing to fight - she was broken and weary and tired. But like Ronan, appearances can be deceiving. Sasha is fiercely protective of her family and willing to endure humiliation, pain and suffering to see them happy. I liked the way she began handling Ronan and his issues.
Like Crow, it started off slow and then snowballs towards the end. The action is intense and psycho. I like the relationship between Ronan and Sasha and there were a few funny parts. 4 stars.