Written on Jul 26, 2018
Zac is restless, his friend has committed suicide, but Zac can’t accept it, especially as hours before Troy text him asking him to pop over to discuss “back then”. Seriously stop teasing me already especially with so many people in potential danger! What happened? In Zac’s mind it is murder and as he discovers more information to another case he is working on, it links back to Troy’s death. Someone is watching Zac, and watching him keep secrets…but who? Someone with invested interest with the case that is for sure.
I love Jones too, so naïve, still young in the teams’ eyes and apparently being a girl doesn’t help! She cares and worries about Boateng, whilst having to deal with some weirdo who happens to be working in their office, I mean seriously what do you want? Always watching…. because that wouldn’t freak anyone out would it!
I sound like a broken record lately, I keep picking up books, getting enticed by them, throwing everything at them to discover they ae part of a series! Doh! And then I tell you I am going to go back and read the others in the series…. guess what! I am telling you the same here. I wish I had read the first book in order, (it does my OCD no good!) because I would have learned Zac’s past encounters and friends, leading us to the present day. So, bear with me whilst I have more reading to do and more reviews to share with you!
Chris Merritt can add me to his list of fans, as I loved this book, the plot, characters and most of all his writing. I found it easy to follow and to read and I couldn’t put the book down, even when I was tired and wanted sleep, so sign of a terrific book!
So, when can I read the next one??