The Lie consumed both Brigs and Natasha until they were ashes. The Lie of their love, a love they could not acknowledge. The Lie of...Read more
The Lie consumed both Brigs and Natasha until they were ashes. The Lie of their love, a love they could not acknowledge. The Lie of Brigs' marriage, and how he was being drained of his soul and his spirit. The Lie, that they did not love and miss each other.
The first three-quarters of the book is told through present day and flashbacks. We get to find out what happened four years ago, and we also get to be there as Brigs and Natasha are reunited. I know a lot of people have strong opinions regarding infidelity, but Halle approached it in a very smart way, that I had no unfavorable feelings towards the MCs. I can always get behind people finding real happiness.
This was an emotional story. So many feels! And, let's hope we get the next cousin's story, because I love my McGregor boys.