Had I done that, maybe I would have known.
But not that any of it matters, because I enjoyed the way the book played out. I picked it up because if it says JQ, I'll read it, though I was looking forward to "testing out" new authors (probably why I wanted novellas). Alas, that's not how the book worked.
It's fluid. A NOVEL IN THREE PARTS, if you will. Truth in advertising is nice, isn't?
Still, I liked the shortness of the stories -- ahem parts of the novel -- and never thought it fell victim to what a lot of romance novellas do: lack of believability. It was grand fun!
True, some of the stories never quite went into a lot of depth where some would have been nice (Alec's relationship with his sister, Georgie's issue with death [can I just say? I don't think Georgie's late husband necessarily enjoyed women]), but sometimes readers want more detail than is necessary to complete the story.
Definitely will be seeking out the other "Lady Most..." novel. (A NOVEL, A SINGLE NOVEL, AMANDA.)