Written on Dec 8, 2019
The timeline scans ten years with the focus mostly on Ineda and her life in captivity. It's fascinating to understand the dynamics of the relationship between her and her captor Tribune Valerius. Despite the hostility between them in the beginning, over time, there's a softening of feelings between them. The result allows Ineda to use the information openly discussed between them to help keep the local people informed about the Romans intentions.
The outcome of this novel appeals to my romantic side. I heartily enjoyed Lorcan and Nara's story in The Beltane Choice and since then have enjoyed updates about them along the way. Yet it's Bran and Ineda story which grabbed my imagination the most and knowing they finally have a happy ending is heartfelt and satisfying especially after what both have experienced during their time apart and how acceptance and trust allow them to be together.
For those who enjoy intriguing historical stories wrapped around absorbing facts, The Celtic Fervour series is a must-read. Nancy Jardine masterfully writes a flowing narrative full of detail. I particularly enjoy learning about how the Romans and the local tribes lived their days to day lives.
So what's next? I'm looking forward to continuing this saga with the fourth novel; Agricole's Bane.
***review copy received courtesy of Ocelot Press via Rachel's Random Resources***