Written on Aug 27, 2013
Taking place in an old wild-west town turned tourist destination known for being overly haunted by ghosts, it's a fun setting. I like Bettes but will admit to having a hard time warming up to Grams - she doesn't feel quite three dimensional to me. Or maybe I just don't care for her personality. Jake is a great bff/sidekick and the romance with her old high school sweetheart is sweet. But the author has done something interesting; she's managed to introduce a love triangle that really isn't. Now, I HATE love triangles, but this one, I get a kick out of it and the author has possibly created a sexual tension that can be kept going indefinitely throughout the series, without getting stale. Time will tell.
The murder mysteries were cleverly done (both of them) and well plotted. I didn't have any idea until the end and it was a fairly good ending as well.
I look forward to more from this series. A genuine enjoyment to read.