Now normally in a YA book you have an MC that learns they have some superpower of sorts, whether it is moving things with their minds or turning out to be a different species altogether. Then usually the MC freaks out for maybe a day or two and the next thing you know they are up for the challenge taking life by storm. The thing that made Aurora herself so interesting was this was not the case for her. She wakes up to this new reality after a near death experience and is told she is now working for the government as a Vampire Hunter. She had been timid and just trying to make it through each day so that she can get the hell out of dodge and start her life over as far from Alaska as possible. Suddenly it’s all taken away from her and rather than embrace her new role she ends up on a downward spiral and I mean really downward. Aurora completely changes and does not give two cents about what anyone thinks of her. She skips school, she hangs with an interesting crowd, and she even takes on a new slutty persona. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from the pages. She makes a lot of bad decisions but those bad decisions kind of cover up the good changes that are happening. Aurora is no longer the easy going push over; she becomes more charismatic and daring. She finally evens out when she gets involved with Fane and even though the reason she gets involved with him is kind of bad. He turns out to be the grounding that she needs for her life. I just found it easy to imagine Aurora as someone actually going through the experience. I thought she was strong main character.
At first I didn’t like Fane; I was like oh geez please don’t tell me she gets involved with this guy. As I got to him in the book, I couldn’t help but find a soft spot for him. Although he might seem outwardly like a jerk it’s really only others perception that make him that way. You never really think about the fact that she doesn’t actually talk to him and he never really does anything really mean to her. Mostly she just thinks he’s kind of scuzzy. Really just the girl he chooses to associate with at first is scuzzy.
There are lot of different characters and personalities to keep you entertained. We are introduced to the world of Aurora before near life and death experience and then after. Which surprisingly gives the world a whole new look. Much like high school sometimes the people you think are your friends are really not the ones going to stick with you until the end.
The ending left me hanging and wanting more. I can’t wait to see where the story goes and what happens to Aurora. You can tell there is a lot more to the vampire society and the government agency that needs to be explored and I’m definitely curious to learn about it myself.