Written on Aug 26, 2020
This is a very good underrated series, and the end of the series does an excellent job of wrapping things up. The large cast of characters at first confused me, because I have a hard time remembering names and places once we get past for main characters, but Green does an excellent job keeping things straight, so I was able to follow along and get to a place where I knew who everyone was and keep connections straight. Going into this third book I was really concerned that I would have forgotten who was whom and where they left off, but like I said, Green does an excellent job helping the reader out.
The only magic in the world is the demons and their smoke, and everyone at this point has realized that smoke can make or break them. It has unique properties and I really enjoyed the rules it had to follow, and those rules caused lots of problems for our heroes and villains alike.
Normally with the last book in a trilogy, I am let wanting more about what happens during the "after" but again Green does an excellent job giving you enough information to be satisfied. There are some romances that blossom throughout the trilogy, and some love triangles as well, but they never feel forced. There is one relationship that I thought could have used some more ... resolution due to the betrayal that split them up for a time, but all things considered the friendships and loves in this story felt more real to me than in most books. The choices felt true to the characters too.
Overall just an excellent story. You should really give this series a shot, and let me know what you think!