Written on Apr 30, 2015
Jonathan Maberry has done it again.
He's once again kept me at the edge of my seat, while reading a frightening realistic scenario that will forever change my views on certain up-and-coming technology. I loved every second of this novel. It scared the hell out of me, but I still loved every second of this.
Joe, the Echo Team, the DMS, and Mr. Church never seemed to catch a break this time around. The bad guys were too good, and they knew Mr. Church and the DMS too well. They knew what made them tick, and the bad guys knew exactly how to hurt them.
This was easily my favorite book of the series so far. While I wish there was more Joe and the good guys, I love that I was able to see into the dark, disturbing minds of the big bad bastards for a lot of this. Some of the big bads were new to the game, but the biggest bad bastard was someone the readers have met before, and when I realized who it was (pretty earlier on, it's not like it was a secret), there was profanity. It was a major WTF moment for me.
Every time I review these books, I feel like I have to end with recommending the series. It's an action-packed, techno-thriller series that I think a lot of people would love. Try it out, because the books just seem to be getting better and better!