Written on Dec 7, 2018
This novel introduces three investigators; Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw and Bob Andrews who have decided they want to start a detective agency. Jupiter is the brains of the operation, Pete the muscle and Bob the researcher. The boys have their own secret Headquarters - (a portable office that's been hidden under many piles of junk) that has secret entrances and a phone - and even a driver (Worthington) with Rolls Royce - courtesy of a competition Jupiter wins to have a chauffeur for 30 days. I'm not sure how long they actually have the car for - I don't think I ever read any without it but I haven't read all of them, so who knows.
The mystery itself was interesting, with lots of red herrings. I found myself diverted from the actual solution many times over - every time I thought I had it - I did not. But while the mystery was interesting and I did like the characters - I don't know that I actually liked the mystery itself, bit bland for my tastes. And I didn't like the introduction - I don't know that I even understood why the introduction was so bitter - they really didn't do anything for that reaction - but maybe it went over my head.
I'll definitely be reading (and rereading for some) the rest of the series. 2.5 stars.