Meeting her snobby mum, and then it slowly clicked with me who Kenneth was and meeting a young Chris and the mention of Tony! Oh the smile on my face, when you first meet everyone. Coco’s mum, well what a snob and the food parcel she gave Daniel had me choking on my water. These books really should come with a hazard warning!
Ethel, well I do not need to say but even a younger Ethel was hilarious. Bold as brass on Christmas Day and her turkey! Yes a real-life turkey, causing havoc. It is a shame this was a novella, as I would have loved to know more about them when they were young and when Daniel seemed like an alright type of guy!
I am still riding on the Coco high, and not looking forward to finishing the next novella because I cannot handle it ending! This is a cute story in time for Christmas, one of laughter and a lot of love. Coco is still my favourite. How about a spin-off book about Ethel, now there’s a thought!