Nessa Luna
Written on Sep 9, 2013
After finishing this book, I started to wonder whether there are any BAD Doctor Who books at all. Though I wasn’t really a fan of Hunter’s Moon, I did enjoy it, but other than that I really loved all the DW books that I’ve read until now. Sure, I haven’t read ALL the DW books in the world yet, there are about 51 New Series Adventures books, of which I have only read seven. And then there are the Classic Series still, which have about 156 books. I’ll just go and read as much DW books as I can, so I can find out if there really are bad Doctor Who books.
But now onto this one. I haven’t made a lot of notes for this book, because I was really into it (I finished it within twenty-four hours). I really, really loved it, and I would love to have seen this one as an episode. I liked the way it was written, and like I’ve probably said earlier, I don’t mind the changing POV’s at all with the Doctor Who books; because in this way you find out more of the story through other people’s eyes.
This story was mostly written from both Amy and Rory’s POV’s, seeing as the Doctor spend most of his time in a cell at the Police station. At first I suspected the Weeping Angels to be the reason why people disappeared, and I actually hoped they’d be (even though they weren’t on the cover of the book), but alas, it turned out to be a different alien (which sounded awesome to me as well).
There is one part in the book, that I just really loved, and I am just going to quote it. It does have a tiny spoiler in it, but it’s not a very big part of the story.
“And Rory knew he would – for Amy. His amazing, wonderful, alarming, smashing Amy, the memory of whom flooded back into his head now. Rory nearly cried to think he could ever have forgotten him.”
Rory was thinking about how he spend two-thousand years waiting and protecting the Pandorica (in the episode ‘The Big Bang’), because Amy was inside that box. And this quite is just wonderful, because Amy and Rory are my favourite fictional couple, and this sentence just reminds me why I love them so much, because they love each other so much they couldn’t bear to live without each other.
I loved how in the end everyone got their happy end, and yeah I just really loved it, I haven’t got much more to say about it.