Romance Schmomance
Written on Jan 5, 2019
It's no mystery that I'm a complete fan of Natasha Madison and after finishing Hollywood Playboy, book 1 in the Hollywood Royalty series, I was eager to start Kellie's story in Hollywood Princess. I quickly ate up every page and enjoyed their story for the most part, but it didn't pull me in like I hoped it would.I can't say that I've read a whole bunch of falling for the bodyguard trope, but the ones that I have read they tend to have a bit of alpha tendencies, which I can't say that I mind too much at all if written right. Brian was a bit of a contradiction on that front because he had a mixture of some alpha tendencies, but he was rather soft when it came to Kellie. Soooo, I liked it and sometimes didn't like it. I think I just wanted him to pick one side and stick to it, but nonetheless, such a steamy bodyguard to add to the mix.
I did appreciate Brian's determination to not cross that line between him and Kellie while he was on the job. But she definitely doesn't make it easy for him, naturally. I absolutely loved Kellie's character even with her celebrity status, she enjoyed the simpler things in life, which I'm sure she owes to her roots. I found it hilarious that she sure loved to tease the man.
There's quite a bit of mystery behind Kellie's stalker, who keeps leaving her creepy letters with flowers. You'll be eager to learn the truth behind it all, but I had my guesses early on.
So yes, I'm still heavily invested in this series, plus it's Natasha Madison, I can never get enough of her work. I enjoyed Hollywood Princess, but it lulled in the middle for me and didn't quite have the feel like it did in Hollywood Playboy.
With all of that being said, Natasha is still forever one of my go-to authors and I can't wait for Hollywood Prince.
This review was originally posted on Romance Schmomance