Kait ✨
Written on Sep 20, 2016
apparently i have a thing for romances on cruise ships ([b:Caribbean Cruising|171008|Caribbean Cruising|Rachel Hawthorne|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1348292576s/171008.jpg|165129] was my lifeblood growing up) so i couldn’t resist picking this up after seeing it on book barista’s instagram. i felt it was a bit cheesy and over-the-top at times and felt kinda “ehh” about paxton but i LOVED leah. i picked it up because i thought it would be more of a sports romance (it isn’t), but i still enjoyed it - it’s really more of a travel situation. i couldn’t stop comparing it to [b:Caribbean Cruising|171008|Caribbean Cruising|Rachel Hawthorne|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1348292576s/171008.jpg|165129] which in my memory was better (though less steamy), but that does seem unfair as i probably haven’t read that one in 8+ years. for me this was a very middle-of-the-road romance that was nothing special, but not bad either. if the premise/setting/characters intrigue you, pick it up - if not, give it a pass.