I doubt this book would hold up as well if I put it under the microscope: Eve's family knew more about her indiscretion than she realized, something rather convenient was revealed at the end, Eve was stubbornly against marriage and it was never really explained or believable, the "mystery" with the money issues and Deene's brother-in-law were pretty obvious, and the POVs switched to side characters we didn't really need to see.
That said.
Lady Eve's Indiscretion was a good book. I love how Deene helped Eve heal, even seven years after her accident. He thrust her back into the world and gave her the confidence to be the woman she was meant to be. This, more than anything, is the shining part of the book, and why I liked it as much as I did.
I did also enjoy how the family cares for each other, and if I remembered more of the other couples, it would have been fun to see them post-HEA. (Though they're all ridiculously happy, obviously.) I picked up this book and Lady Jenny's book, so I'm looking forward to diving in to that too.