Written on May 26, 2019
This book hurt my heart so much...and I don't even want to talk about it. I just want to wallow. You suck Miz Kingsley...(lol) Not really...but you kind of do. ;D
Honesty, this will be a pretty brief review. This is book three out of six, and I have already commented on the writing, and pace, and plot. All of which remain outstanding. If the last three books stay the course, then this may very well turn out to be one of my favorite series of all time. All the characters here are so well written. With new ones being added every book. However, I will admit Edu's one track mind if starting to get a little annoying. Dude seems to be dumber than a box of rocks. (lol) That said, as I mentioned above we still have three more books to go, so a lot of stories are yet to be told and yours truly will wait not patiently to get her hands on them all.