Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on May 2, 2015
I was immediately drawn into the world of Disenchanted. Miller takes elements of the familiar world—hair salons, coffee shops and the Iowa countryside and twists them bit with cast of characters you can't help but wish you were best friends with. I identified with Keely, the search for her identity and her love of coffee and chocolate.
The only thing I struggled with while reading Disenchanted was the fey words and world the Keely and her friends are derived from. While this is the first book in the series, there wasn't much exposition on Hel (I thought that was a spelling error for a long time!), döckâlfars, liosâlfars and âlfars. This is mythology that I have not encountered before and would have loved a little bit more explanation so that I could understand the relationship to the story and Keely's search.
I've been looking for a book or series to fill the void since Sookie left the scene with the true love of her life. Upon completing Disenchanted, I definitely felt that the Fey Creations series might fill that void. A lighter urban fantasy novel set in the Midwest provided me with elements I was at once familiar with and new exciting elements I wanted to explore further.<
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews