Written on Mar 24, 2019
I've had Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts since the day it was released. I'm not sure why I always put off reading Nora Roberts. There's a reason why the woman has sold millions of books!
I forgot how much I enjoyed Year One. I think it is the first dystopian adult novel I've ever read. Not only is it dystopian but it also has magic and magical realism in it. These are all elements that I enjoy quite a lot. Of Blood and Bone has a lot going on in it. Year One set up the entire plot of Of Blood and Bone and Year One moved across maybe one year of the story. Of Blood and Bone moves across several years and covers a lot of story line. I absolutely loved every moment of it.
The story has advanced by 12 or 13 years when it opens in Of Blood and Bone. Fallon is starting to train for her role as The One as others born after the Doom are starting to learn the roles they too will play. Seeing these characters as they have developed and adjusted was fascinating. The people my age remembered a time of ease prior to the Doom and the young adults and teenagers live in the only world they have ever known. Seeing that kind of duality was pretty enjoyable.
I honestly cannot wait to see how this one is going to end! Roberts spent a lot of time laying the ground work for the revolution coming in the last installment of The Chronicle of the One. Truthfully it made me a bit tired. There was so much work to be done and just knowing that it wasn't even the worst of it was exhausting. I also adore the theme of human resiliency throughout the book.
I listened to about 4 hours of the audiobook Of Blood and Bone on a trip to and from IL and really enjoyed the parts I did listen to. I particularly enjoyed learning the correct pronunciation of so many Irish names. I will probably listen to the audiobook again before the release of the third book.