I don't know that reading a book about how people live after a global pandemic during a global pandemic was my brightest move but what can you do? I picked up The Rise of Magicks by Nora Roberts because I wanted to conclude the series and hadn't meant to let it go as long as I did.
I wasn't disappointed and while it might not have been my brightest idea, this book did give me hope. I really enjoyed the first two books in this series. The end papers were gorgeous but gave me a little bit of anxiety. Truthfully I found a book about people surviving despite very difficult circumstances to be a good choice! Not everyone will respond to this type of story that way though.
We're finally seeing the end of a story that started in book one and 20 years in the past. At points it did seem to drag a tiny bit for me but it was made up for with fantastical story telling and characters you could really root for.
I know this review is very vague but it is the end of a series and giving away too much will surely spoil the first two books. Also under current circumstances I can't suggest you run out and buy this book right now. I would 100% recommend adding this book to your list to read once things have settled down a bit.