Written on Oct 23, 2014
Eloise Montgomery wakes from a horrific tragedy. She cannot sleep, and she and her daughter are trying to find some normalcy when she begins having episodes. Visions, nightmares and one is so compelling she phones the police.
In The Whispers Unger takes us through the beginning as Eloise comes to terms with her ability and decides to help those in her visions. I love how strong a character Eloise is even as her own world crumbles she puts herself out there. Her visions and the story line were fascinating and had me reading this through in one sitting. Despite it being a novella, it was satisfying and I look forward to reading the next ones; The Burning Girl and The Three Sisters, scheduled to release in November 2014 and January 2015. Of course, now I want to read Fragile the first book in the Jones Cooper series. It takes place in the Hollows, where readers first met Eloise.
Copy provided by publisher.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer