I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Not that surprising as I have also enjoyed the others books in this series. The author has a very readable writing style, and she had me hooked from page one. So needless to say I found this one to be well written and paced. The plot was engaging (if a bit underdeveloped) and kept me turning the pages. I didn't find it particularly angsty, and there was no OW/OM drama. It was a bit of a slow burn so not a lot of sex. That said, the one (?) sex scene we get was suitably hot. The author does a good job of summarizing the backstory at the beginning of so if you haven't read the other books in the series you shouldn't have a problem following along. Although I DO recommend reading the first duet to get a more fuller experience.
There weren't very many secondary characters, but it was nice to see Clarissa (I SOOO cannot wait for her story) and Bates (I hope he is getting a book as well) again. Both the main characters were intriguing, but I wanted (needed) more. I can't put my finger on what was missing, but the entire book had an overall feeling of being rushed. Thier relationship felt a little flat and lackluster. The plot was lacking (IMO) in the way that we don't really get any forward movement on the overall story arc. I was hoping we would get more insight into Bates and why he is calling in these debts. I was also left a bit confused on why Bates wanted the laptop. And the ending was wrapped up too quickly and with next to no groveling which I felt Simon needed to do.
So yea, as you can see a bit of a mixed bag as I did have some issues that lowered my rating. But at the same time, I found myself sucked into the story and quickly turning the pages. With those things in mind, yours truly is going to give this one a solid thumbs up, and I am definitely staying on board for the next book (Rosa's).