The first story is one of a Naval Captain who remembers a woman who nursed him when he fell ill. 10 years later he gets the letter he was waiting for, much of it water damaged, but the gist of the letter is that she says yes. So he goes to find her and finds that things are more complicated than they seem. There's a fair bit of miraclous happenings and literal deus ex going on in this but it's not a bad story overall
Her Christmas Temptation by Christine Merrill is an entertaining story of a rake who goes to break an engagement for his beloved cousin and finds that maybe his motives aren't so clear. I really enjoyed this one.
Awakening his Sleeping Beauty by Janice Preston the Sleeping Beauty metaphor is stretched a little here but the story is good, an opressed heroine finding love and respect is always good.
Overall not bad and quite seasonally based, the last two are set during the 12 days of Christmas.