Written on Mar 26, 2010
Through both Ellie and Matthew a story is told that is very real, raw, and emotional and something to growth with and from and continue on. In the situations that take place my own mind says I would just give up, but watching the characters and watching how life does continue and seeing how God orchestrates things for the end all is incredible to imagine. This is a book that tells a story about grief, but offers so much healing as well. I highly recommend this book. Though it is the second in a series, you could very well read this one alone. Now, eagerly I look forward to the next novel to come from author [a:Ann Shorey|1949873|Ann Shorey|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1231558780p2/1949873.jpg].
*Thanks to Donna Hausler of Revell Books for providing a copy for review.*