Written on May 12, 2017
We’re going on a treasure hunt...
My first “big girl book” was The Treasure Hunters by Enid Blyton. I felt so grown up reading a hardcover book with chapters in it and I still remember feeling very accomplished after finishing it. Straight after finishing, I was consumed with the need to go treasure hunting. I needed a map, comfortable clothes, sturdy boots and a backpack. Luckily, I had all these things at hand and Mum was happy to help in my endeavours by making me sandwiches to pack in my bag. Now obviously, I was a kid, so my treasure hunt was limited to inside my house and out in the backyard. Misty, my dog, was my accomplice and the backyard and all the trees were the places I was sure the clues were hidden. Hours and hours of entertainment…and lucky for me, no murder, mayhem and kidnapping involved.
Duke with Benefits is my new The Treasure Hunters and this time I have accomplices in Daphne, Dalton and the Studies in Scandal gang. Now, we’ll have to be a wee bit more careful in this treasure hunt because we have competition. Someone else wants the treasure and he will kill to get it. Luckily, Daphne is really good at working out puzzles and codes. Her skills will come in handy because we don’t get a piece of paper with a map, the whole bloody thing has been hidden in code…and we can’t even find the bloody code to start with. We will have to put our heads together and see if all the clues can be combined to find that x marks the spot. Actually, in this case x = A + 0 + 15…or something like that. You’ll have to bale Daph up to get the logic…maths…cipher…code…whatever she goes on about, explained.
I really enjoyed reading Duke with Benefits. The storyline kept my attention from start to finish. The characters were original, intelligent (as Daphne will tell you…regularly) and lovable.
Daphne is a maths genius. Her father, who I could not stand, spent years using her abilities to make money playing cards at ton events. Daphne, knowing her father wouldn’t survive financially without her, blackmails him into hiring a maths tutor to further her education. Obviously, being a female at that time, it was highly irregular. Being the despicable man that he was, her father did not hesitate to hire the tutor if it kept his coffers full. The other thing about Daphne…she’s a little (LOT) blunt. It’s not unusual for Daphne to tell you exactly what she thinks of you, and it may not be favourable. This honesty comes at a cost. She’s considered weird and most don’t know how to deal with her. There is one man that finds her fascinating.
Dalton Beauchamp, Duke of Maitland, wants Daphne and she’s more than willing to give herself to him. Unfortunately, they’re not on the same page, though. See, Dalton is honourable. He learnt the hard way that women are hurt when they’re used and discarded. His father was a horrible man who treated his wife (Dalton’s mum) deplorably. With such a bad example witnessed in his childhood, he is determined to be a good man. When he meets Daphne and gets to know her, he wants nothing more than to offer his hand and make her his Duchess. Problem is, Daphne is afraid of leaving one man who controls her, to another who can also control her. It’s up to Dalton to convince her that he means to be her partner, not her owner.
Dalton and Daphne work well together. Daphne, in the first story, came across as rude and a little too forthright. In this story, we get to know her better and see how her extremely intelligent mind works. They’re cute together. I loved seeing Dalton work with her quirks and learn to judge by her expressions what she’s feeling and if she needs him.
Another great instalment to the series and I can’t wait to see who the Wallflower Most Wanted will be.
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -